
Demcon industrial systems Groningen welcomed master’s students for final 2024 Matchmaking event.


Groningen, 11 December 2024 – Demcon industrial systems welcomed a diverse group of about 50 master’s students from the University of Groningen (RUG). This is where the semi-annual matchmaking event took place, the last one for 2024.

The turnout of students was remarkably big. The majority of this group consisted of students from the master Mechanical Engineering, supplemented by students from the masters Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Engineering & Management, Physics and Energy and Environment.

After a welcome by Demcon, Prof. Maryam Gandichi Tehrani, in charge of the Mechanical Engineering master, opened the matchmaking event.

This event marks the beginning of a period when these students start looking for internships. For Mechanical Engineering students, this mainly involves their 14-week design assignment. Other students are also looking for a place to complete their master’s research.

The Innovation Cluster Drachten (ICD) had again organized a matchmaking with several ICD companies for this purpose. Represented this session were Philips, Batenburg Beenen, Exosens, FMI ImProvia, Stork, Variass and Demcon. This gave a varied insight into the diversity of companies involved in the cluster.

At the end of the pitches, Dr. Nick Szirbik and Dr. Sushant Kumar Pandey explained the Autonomous Systems EngD program.

After these pitches, the students had the opportunity to visit the companies at brief visits. In doing so, they could discuss 1-on-1 the options offered by the companies, or put forward their own ideas.

This interaction between companies and students will undoubtedly lead to new collaborations starting soon. The goal is that the students will be able to begin their internship, assignment or research within their chosen company in the spring of 2025.

After the matchmaking, students were taken to the Entrance building where Demcon gave a presentation on the NXTgen smart industry project, and a tour of the “Beer line,” the use case in which Demcon has a major role.

This tour ended the event and we look back on an energetic afternoon.

The matchmaking event is a result of the ICD’s ongoing commitment to connecting academic knowledge with the practical needs of industry. By bringing students and companies together, the ICD creates valuable opportunities for innovation and practical experience. This is essential for the development of future engineers and the industry as  a whole.